Hey, I'm a 16 year old guy. I went over to my girlfriends house today and she gave me a french pedicure and painted my fingers hot pink, she said she wanted to practice (she takes cosmeotology at our school). Well I took the hot pink nailpolish off of my fingers before I left, but she wanted me to keep the french pedicure on my toes. She was like ';I kinda like you having a french pedicure, especially knowing that I did it for you';. I kinda like having the french pedicure too because I like the way they look. So my question is, should I keep the french pedicure on my toes, if both my girlfriend and I like it on me?French Pedicure?
i wouldn't... unless you really don't care what other people think about youFrench Pedicure?
If both of you like it than of course leave it on. But you are a GUY!!!! I could never thought you were so dumb to wear nail polish. ONLY GIRLS wear nail polish. LOL for you :-P
Keep it if you like but be prepared for harassment from your peers if anyone else sees it.
it sounds kinda gay
When your guy friends point and snicker at you, tell them, ';Hey, I have a girlfriend that thinks it is hot....'; And wink at them.... they'll realize that you are the luckiest guy on the planet.... and they will just be jealous cuz you have a girlfriend and they don't.
Sure and since its cold out, no one will see them if you worry about them judging you.
keep it. i like you; you sound like you're an awesome boyfriend! who care what anyone else thinks if you like it? you seem like you are comfortable with yourself, which is a whole lot more than i can say for most guys your age (school).
tell your mom and dad 'thanks' for raising you well.
I guess but if anybody saw that you'd need a very high level of self-esteem!
well it wouldn't hurt anything, But people just might tease you if they see it.
Um, weird. I wouldn't keep it on, it's just not normal, especially because it's pink. Your girlfriend shouldn't get mad at you just because you took nailpolish off of your toenails. Anyway, how do you expect it to look good??
Absolutely. Your the kind of guy that's very sure of himself. Good for you.
Yeah, sure-why not. Sounds cute! Get a row of bling across the cuticle! Ha!
Sure But dont let no body see it
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